यदि आप किसी अन्य टीम के वितरक (डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर) हैं तो कृपया इस वेबसाइट में किसी भी फ़ॉर्म को न भरे और आर्डर न दे | यदि आप ऐसा करते हैं तो हम मजबूरन केवल आपके आर्डर में प्रोडक्ट्स को भेज देंगे और हम आपके ID में BV और PV अपडेट नहीं कर पाएंगे क्योंकि हमारे पास आपके ID से आर्डर डालने की अनुमति नहीं है | IF YOU ARE ALREADY DISTRIBUTOR FROM ANY TEAM THEN PLEASE DO NOT FILL ANY FORM AND DO NOT PURCHASE IN THIS WEBSITE. IF YOU DO SO, THEN WE WILL SEND THE PRODUCTS ONLY AND WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BV/PV UPDATES IN YOUR ID AS WE DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS TO PROCESS ORDER WITH YOUR ID. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are only for information purpose. Users are advised to rely on information posted herein for any purpose only after verification and confirmation of the same from authentic and authoritative sources. This website is run by an independent Vestige distributor who takes entire responsibility of the content and advertisement on it. This is not Company's Official website and Vestige shall not provide or claim authenticity or quality of products sold through this website. You may visit the official web site of Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd., www.myvestige.com for resolving your doubts or for any clarifications regarding the company and its products. Vestige Products are not Medicine, please consult your Doctor, these products are only Food Supplements and Dietary/Nutritional Supplements.]

Business Plan

Vestige Marketing Plan

Just spend 10 to 15 mins of your valuable time, and get the Inspiring outlook about the Vestige World including Company Profile, Journey of Vestige, Vestige Products, Vestige Marketing Plan, Vestige Cellular Nourishment Therapy and Vestige Business Success  Stories & Testimonials, etc., in just 10 to 15 mins!





Your complete starter guide with detailed description of the marketing plan, policies, rules & regulations and all the other important information you need to know as a Vestige Distributor.














The starting point for every journey is knowledge. If you know the path on which you have to travel, then the journey is going to be easier and more successful. Please review the Vestige Marketing Plan and its features and understand the opportunity which lies in front of you to fulfill your dreams.

Vestige Marketing Plan has been designed to be an equal business opportunity for all those who get associated with Vestige. The Marketing Plan ensures that you earn in proportion to the efforts you put in and provides benefits such as leadership bonuses and pool income. These incomes are further enhanced by combining the downline’s performances so that it is always beneficial to create more leaders in your group. As the downline becomes successful, you become even more successful.

Vestige offers very rewarding bonuses for the efforts put into the business. The Vestige Marketing Plan is a Cumulative plan where you never drop from the level of achievement and keep on achieving higher levels, i.e. to say that your earlier efforts and achievements are always counted in your bonus calculations.


For Fold Bonus Marketing Plan

  • Cumulative Plan.

  • Only promotions, no demotions.

  • Never reaches zero.

  • No re-qualification (One time achievement).

  • Director Bonus compresses downward.

  • Leadership bonus roll-up.

  • No Renewal.

  • Engineered to make you wealthy.

Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship

  • Savings on consumption - 10 to 20%

  • Performance Bonus - 5 to 11%

  • Bronze Director Bonus - 4%

  • Business Building Bonus - 14%

  • Leadership Overriding Bonus 16%

  • Travel Fund - 5%

  • Car Fund - 5%

  • House Fund - 3%
  • Elite Club Bonus - 2%

The Vestige Benefit

  • Be a regular user of products

  • Earn by sharing the products

  • Enrich by sharing the business

  • Enrich yourself by enriching others


Vestige Business Presentation

If you want to get Financial Security and Financial Freedom, you’ve to move forward. You don’t need a new job, but you need a new mindset, new sector, new industry, new leadership, new environment, new skills and new trend.

Click here to join now Vestige Business

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